China Compulsory Certification (CCC)

China Compulsory Certification (CCC) is a certification system for certain products which are brought into China. Lapp can also provide secure solutions in this area.

China Compulsory Certification (CCC)

China Compulsory Certification (CCC) has become a must for a number of products imported to China.
This includes a marking with < CCC >. Lapp Cables are affected by marking requirements as far as they are imported as single units/parts (not as components of el. machines, devices or equipment) and their exemption

is not confirmed by the Chinese authorities.
Harmonized standard cables such as H05VV5-F or H05VVC4V5-K are affected by <CCC> marking.
According to the rules of marking the manufacturer must be identifiable.

Harmonized ÖLFLEX® Cables with CCC are exclusively made by own works (Cableries Lapp Forbach).
Lapp Cables which doesn’t agree do IEC/HAR Standards are still applying to the exemption case.
They are registered by Chinese authorities and will be recognized by means of an importer declaration together with catalogue and data sheet (e.g. ÖLFLEX® CLASSIC 110, ÖLFLEX® FD 855 CP…)