Supplier self-disclosure information
General information about the company
Company: U.I. Lapp GmbH
Address: Schulze Delitzsch Str. 25, 70565 Stuttgart
Phone: 0711/7838-01
Fax : 0711/7838-2640
E-Mail: info[ at ]
Legal entity: GmbH
Commercial register. no.: Stuttgart HRB 12720
Sales tax no.: DE 147823795
Bank details: BW Bank
Account number: 2409702
Sort code: 60050101
Swift-Code: Sola DEST
IBAN-Nr: DE77 6005 0101 0002 4097 02
D-U-N-S - No: 32-200-9895
Managing Director: Andreas Lapp
CEO: Thomas Holzbaur
Executive Vice President: Josef Holz
Founded in year: 1959
Legal entity: GmbH
Capital: 10 Mio. €
Turnover/budget (Lapp Group):
2009/2010: 633 million € (consolidated)
Current number of employees:
2.800 worldwide (Lapp Group)
U.I. Lapp GmbH 600 e.
Production sites:
The Lapp Group has 15 active production sites,producing high-quality branded products.
Sales regions: In Germany, 37.
Organisations: 40 sales organisations worldwide.
Outlets: approx. 100 worldwide (Lapp Group)
Sales structure: Over 50 field staff + branch managers.
Industry: Electrical engineering.
Sales routes: processors, e-sales and trade.
Areas of activity: Mechanical and systems engineering, automation engineering, electrical industry, automotive manufacturers, service industry, computer industry, power generation etc.
Product spectrum:
ÖLFLEX® - connection and signal cables
UNITRONIC® - data cables
HITRONIC® - fibre optic cables
SKINTOP® - cable glands
SILVYN® - cable protection and feed systems
EPIC® - industrial connectors
FLEXIMARK® - cable marking systems
ETHERLINE® - components for active networking technology
See general terms of business here
Group affiliation: Lapp Holding AG.
Insurance information:
- Personal injury and property claims 20.000.000 EUR per case,
max. twice a year. Excludes recall costs. - Personal injury and property claims 30.000.000 EUR per case,
simple per annum. Excludes recall costs. - An extended product liability insurance exists which covers, for example, assembly and disassembly (installation and removal costs) up to an insured sum of EUR 20.000.000.
- Insurance cover exists worldwide.
Thomas Holzbaur
Tel: 0711/7838-4830
Fax: 0711/7838-3000
E-Mail: thomas.holzbaur(at)
Executive Vice President
Josef Holz
Tel: 0711/7838-2090
Fax: 0711/7838-9660
E-Mail: josef.holz[ at ]
Head of Customer Service (internal service)
Barbara Welscher
Tel: 0711/7838-2210
Fax: 0711/7838-4870
E-mail: barbara.welscher[ at ]
Head of Material management
Dirk Jacobsen
Tel: 0711/7838-2880
Fax: 0711 7838-5810
E-Mail: dirk.jacobsen(at)
Head of Purchasing
Roger Ganzert
Tel: 0711/7838-6820
Fax: 0711/7838-6230
E-mail: roger.ganzert[ at ]
Head of Quality Management
Walter Wörner
Tel: 0711/7838-2063
Fax: 0711/7838-1956
E-Mail: walter.woerner[ at ]
External services (D):
You can find the contact partner you want on our internet site.
Please give your postcode.
Language to be used for correspondence: German, English
Data exchange/interfaces:
Word, Excel, PDF, CAD product catalogue in DXF 3D and 2D, IGES 3D and 2D, STEP 3D plus AT binary 3D and SAT, Ascii 3D, EDI, csv.
Quality & certification according to:
- DIN EN ISO 9001
- KTA 1401 e-on-Kernkraft
- Atex
You can download certificates from our homepage.
Conditions of delivery: General terms and conditions ( or. special agreement
Delivery times: On request
Haulier's address (Company): Cordes und Simon
Address of parcel service (Company): DPD
Just-in-time: Yes
Consignment warehouse: Available on request
For further questions about this information from the supplier please contact:
Josef Holz
Executive Vice President
Tel: 0711/7838-2090
Fax: 0711/7838-9660
E-Mail: josef.holz[ at ]